Wander Through Ireland Memories with Me

I am continuing to learn how to edit photos, and discover my photography style. I became inspired to pursue photography during my six week trip to Dublin, Ireland in the summer of 2022.

As I was looking back over my photos from that trip I realized there were several that I never got around to posting or publishing. Here is a series of some of my favorite shots from my amazing trip to Ireland. I hope you enjoy! Feel free to let me know what your favorite photo is!

Wander the Field — Phoenix Park (Left) — — — The Lighthouse — Howth, Ireland (Right)
A Walk on the Beach — Bray, Ireland
Take in the View — Ireland
Here for You — Bray, Ireland
Water Under the Bridge — Galway, Ireland
Beach Town — Bray, Ireland
Inside the Guinness Factory- Dublin, Ireland
Take My Hand (Left) — — — Music by the Cliffs of Moher (Right)
Guud Day Coffee Shop — Dublin, Ireland
The Guinness Factory Tour- Dublin, Ireland

2 responses to “Wander Through Ireland Memories with Me”

  1. Heather Robinson Avatar
    Heather Robinson

    Under The Bridge is my favorite!😍 second would be the last one (untitled) and my third is Wander The Field.
    It was hard to choose because I love them all.

    1. admin Avatar

      Thank you so much!!! :)))))

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