Category: Photography

  • Wander Through Ireland Memories with Me

    Wander Through Ireland Memories with Me

    I am continuing to learn how to edit photos, and discover my photography style. I became inspired to pursue photography during my six week trip to Dublin, Ireland in the summer of 2022. As I was looking back over my photos from that trip I realized there were several that I never got around to…

  • Portrait Series with Faith Robinson Choreography

    Portrait Series with Faith Robinson Choreography

    “It is very common that people say dance is a form of expression which I completely agree with however, I think it’s a little more complex than that. Dancing makes me feel so free because of its versatility and ability to be represented in multiple ways. Dancing can go from being a social form that…

  • A Guide to Exploring San Diego’s Must-See Destinations and Hidden Gems

    A Guide to Exploring San Diego’s Must-See Destinations and Hidden Gems

    Vacation in San Diego is a cliche for a reason. The sandy beaches, bustling city and beautiful nature make San Diego one of the most desirable tourist destinations. When the sun is shining, there’s no limit to the activities to do across the city! Here are my top five tourist destinations in San Diego. Little…

  • El Cajon Photography Series

    El Cajon Photography Series

    I am discovering my photography style and forcing myself to practice taking photos several times a week. I enjoy finding the beauty in places that are seemingly underrated or aren’t typically considered beautiful. There is a lot of stigma and judgement associated with El Cajon in San Diego County. However, I have found creative art and…
