Author: admin

  • Chris Perkins takes listeners on a journey of feelings and fate in his new EP “Meant to Be”

    Chris Perkins takes listeners on a journey of feelings and fate in his new EP “Meant to Be”

    My boyfriend Chris Perkins and I recently sat down on my bedroom floor around midnight. Unlike most “on the floor” conversations couples may have, I had my notebook in hand, full of questions to ask, and my recording devices ready.   Exhausted from our day, but thrilled for the interview, we hit record and began discussing…

  • Musicians share the secrets and realities of the music industry

    Musicians share the secrets and realities of the music industry

    Musicians are finding new ways to make their mark in the music industry; with rising competition, bands like KOCEAN share how they distinguish themselves from the crowd The music industry is one of the most competitive industries in the world. Now, it is easier than ever for artists to share their music. With the industry…

  • Is Customer Service Dead with Gen Z? — YR Media

    Is Customer Service Dead with Gen Z? — YR Media

    There has been speculation that customer service has taken a turn for the worse after the COVID-19 pandemic. A significant shift in motivation from customer service workers can be identified before and after the pandemic. Minimum wage employees were forced to deal with more than they signed up for, including enforcing virus safety regulations in…

  • What Gen Z Needs To Know About Caffeine — YR Media

    What Gen Z Needs To Know About Caffeine — YR Media

    San Diego, CA — After having my daily caramel latte, I find myself wondering why this daily ritual is so dear to me. Most people enjoy a daily cup of coffee in the morning. It’s something we drag ourselves out of bed for; that small bit of incentive to start the day on a good note….

  • Graffiti and Street Art Series

    Graffiti and Street Art Series

    I took these photos over the summer, before I took my first photojournalism class. If I were to take these photos now, I would be sure to note the exact location of each photo and include captions explaining how I stumbled upon each image. Sadly, I do not have the exact detail for these photos…

  • Cliffs and beaches, clubs and bars

    Cliffs and beaches, clubs and bars

    My website is back up and running! Since it has been so long there’s lots of updates ahead! My trip to Ireland has come to an end, but I will continue to update my website with photos and stories about my experience! To pick up where we left off… Galway and the Cliffs of Fog:…

  • Ireland: How I almost got scammed, cocktails and rugby

    Ireland: How I almost got scammed, cocktails and rugby

    If you thought my first couple of days in Ireland were eventful, wait until you read about my first full week. How I almost got scammed: On Wednesday, my second day in the office at my internship, we had a team meeting where we discussed forming a WhatsApp group chat to stay in contact. At…

  • Ireland: First impressions and memorable moments

    Ireland: First impressions and memorable moments

    Hello from Dublin! Here is a recap of my most memorable experiences from my first few days here. Within my first weekend of staying in Dublin I have managed to navigate the public transportation, City Centre, the massive University College Dublin and the Dublin Industrial Estate. I have officially started my internship at Her Sport,…

  • Welcome


    Hello everyone! My name is Katelynn Robinson, and I am a fourth-year journalism and political science student at San Diego State University. I will be using this website to showcase my journalism skills and jump-start my blog! This summer I will be spending six weeks in Ireland studying abroad with a journalism internship at Her…

  • Corlett removed from two courses after using racial slurs in class

    Corlett removed from two courses after using racial slurs in class

    This article was published in The Daily Aztec on March 16, 2022. Professor J. Angelo Corlett was reassigned from two courses after using racial slurs and racist labels/nicknames in his lectures. Corlett is still teaching a philosophy course at San Diego State and is tenured. His removal from two select courses comes after a student…
